Friday, June 8, 2018

The unexpected health risk you face every day

When it comes to health and wellness we often look at the things we put into our body via diet and supplementation, but it is not as often that we consider environmental factors and their impact on the body. This short blog post will give a brief overview on one of the most insidious and common factors in your health and wellness, that you likely hardly ever think about.

What is EMF exposure?
EMF stands for electromagnetic field. When we hear about EMF’s it is referring to a type of electromagnetic radiation. We experience these fields every day, from microwaves and radiowaves, to wifi signals and household appliance cords. These waves exist on a spectrum, and while the low frequency waves have been shown to be potentially harmful with extended exposure (household appliances, radios), the higher frequency waves have generally been shown to be much more hazardous (cell phone towers, microwaves etc). These waves are non-ionizing, unlike xrays, gamma rays and UV rays, but there is still evidence that they can be problematic in large amounts. We as a culture are extremely dependent on this form of technology, but we are discovering that we may be inducing a whole host of health issues as a result.
The World Health Organization recognizes the potential EMF problem, and does have guidelines for acceptable exposure. But, remember that anytime we create a guideline like this, it necessarily implies that any level of exposure is negative, but that we biologically can handle a certain amount before we will express symptoms as a result.

Why are they a problem?
Are body is an electromagnetic system, creating it’s own EMF waves. We live under a sun that produces EMF exposure. But, manmade EMF’s tend to be much stronger, and are most always operating at different frequencies. Just as we know we can experience burns and other negative results of the prolonged exposure to UV rays (a type of EMF wave) from the sun, it stands to reason that prolonged exposure to other waves of a different frequency than that of our own body could create problems biologically as well. Strength, duration, density and frequency will all impact the level of influence these waves can have on our health.

How can they affect me?
Studies show that these high frequency waves can interfere with cell signals and affect everything from sleep, to the immune system, to your DNA.
While anecdotal, thousands and thousands of people have reported worsening health symptoms when wifi or smart meters were installed in their homes. Many of these same people experience and immediate relief of symptoms when simple precautions are taken to decrease exposure.
We know also that mold growth is increased dramatically in the presence of EMF. As someone who has been massively impacted by health issues as a result of mold, I don’t think this is a small thing to consider.

The scientifically documented list of possible side effects to prolonged exposure include (but are not limited to) the following:
-          Brain Fog
-          Cancer
-          Insomnia
-          Hormone issues
-          Anxiety
-          Frequent and acute illness
-          Depression
-          Dizziness
-          Vertigo
-          Adrenal Fatigue

What now?
While it is hard to truly measure how much EMF exposure may or may not be effecting us, there are some simple steps we can take to reduce our level of exposure right away.

1.       Use ethernet when possible rather than WIFI
2.       Unplug your WIFI at night
3.       Put your phone in airplane mode whenever you are not actively using wifi and don’t need to receive calls
4.       Use speakerphone when you are making or receiving phone calls
5.       Don’t place your laptop on your lap
6.       Don’t use Bluetooth headsets and consider Bluetooth speakers in the car instead
7.       Replace fluorescent bulbs with incandescent bulbs instead
8.       Get rid of smart meters
9.       And most of all, take a break from your digital devices!
