Friday, February 17, 2017

Fennel Breakdown

Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel is not one of the more readily used essential oils, but this oil derived from a small seed has quite a few therapeutic properties. From emotions, to respiratory system, to digestion and female systems... if you are looking for a soothing option this oil might be for you. This oil does have a few medical contraindications (including in pregnancy, estrogen dependent cancers and occasionally for anti-coagulant drug users) so be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist if you have reason to be concerned. 

Fennel can grow up to six feet in height and has delicate, feathery leaves. The history of Fennel use dates back to ancient times when Roman warriors were said to have consumed Fennel to make them strong and ready for battle. Fennel is best known for its distinct licorice aroma and taste, yet its ability to promote healthy digestion is equally noteworthy.* Fennel may help support the health of the lungs and respiratory tract and can be added to water or tea to help fight sweet tooth cravings.* Fennel is also known for its ability to promote healthy metabolism, liver function, and circulation.*

Directions for Use:
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.

Primary Physical Notes
- Fennel has a distinctly licorice aroma and taste.
- Roman warriors were said to have consumed Fennel to make them strong and ready for battle.
- Keep Fennel on hand when enjoying a big meal to promote digestion.*
- Take this essential oil internally to promote healthy digestion.*
- Fennel supports the overall health of the digestive tract.*
- Fennel may help to promote healthy metabolism, liver function, and circulation.*
- It may help to support the health of the lungs and respiratory tract.*
- Use Fennel with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil for a soothing abdominal massage.
- Take a drop of Fennel in water or tea to help fight sweet tooth cravings.*
- Diffuse Fennel in your home or office to encourage a productive day.
- Apply it to the skin for a calming and soothing effect.
- This essential oil provides important antioxidant benefits.*
- Historically, Fennel has been used to relieve monthly discomfort during menstruation and emerging scientific evidence supports this traditional use.*
- This essential oil helps to support a healthy response and maintain a natural balance during menstruation.*
- Fennel blends well with Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon Bark, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh, Wild Orange, Patchouli, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tangerine, and Ylang Ylang.
- It may promote healthy cellular function and overall cellular health.*
- Fennel keeps the skin looking healthy and helps to reduce the appearance of blemishes.
- It may help to keep the gums, teeth, and mouth looking clean and healthy.
- It may support healthy immune function and response.*
- Fennel may support the health of the cardiovascular system and support healthy blood flow.*
- This essential oil can be calming to the nervous system and support healthy nervous system function.*

Primary Emotional Benefits:
Invigorates life ownership and passion for living. Responsibility for self. Awareness of bodily needs. 

Negative emotions addressed:
Unnecessary cravings. Denying personal responsibility. Unaware of physical needs.

Aromatic Description:
Licorice, Sweet, Honey

Body Systems addressed:
- Digestive System
- Respiratory System

Suggested uses:
-Take internally to support healthy respiratory function.*
- Put a drop of Fennel in water or tea to help fight sweet tooth cravings.*
- Add to desserts for an additional depth of flavor.
- Add 1–2 drops in a veggie capsule to promote digestion.*

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Other Fennel references:

To purchase Fennel connect with the wellness advocate that directed you here, or if you are not currently connected with a wellness advocate visit my sales site at or contact me directly here for an opportunity to get your oil at a discounted price.

Sources:, Emotions and Essentials Oils: A modern resource for healing

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 2017 Wellness Advocate Share

February 2017 Advocates Share
This month's Advocates Share features stand out Wellness Advocates from January 2017. 

In the past three years of growing an essential oil business I've had the blessing of getting to know literally hundreds of new, amazing people. This increase in relationships all along the friendship spectrum has given me the benefit of learning more about people and relational dynamics than some are lucky to learn in a lifetime. I often step back and look at the group of dynamic, inspiring people in my life and simply thank God for this gift. 

In knowing so many people, I can often see the path business partners are heading down before they see it themselves, simply because I've likely been in connection with someone who has already traveled that path. In these moments it becomes imperative that you have a true relationship with the other leader. Otherwise you will have no ability to speak into their lives in a way that will save them time and energy.

As a less mature leader, I first began to approach these moments with no care for the underlying relationship. I soon discovered that critical communication devoid of relationship is a caustic combination that often leaves both parties hurt. At the best, I tended to push people to burn out, at the worst, some of the best leaders in the business structure below me quit.
It took me falling flat on face to understand the importance of relationship in building a truly solid business, and I discovered in the process... it's a lot more fun!

So if you feel like you are "losing leaders", "losing fun" or maybe "losing your mind" in this business... consider the value of relationship, put it first, and see if all of the above can begin to blossom!
Maggie Dubois

Megan Brown is an Elite wellness advocate from Hanover, MD. She's been enrolled with doTERRA since September 2015. Here Megan shares what it was like to go from "selling" to "sharing" essential oils.

Finding Joy as an Essential Oil "Sharer"

After only months of leaving teaching to stay home with my children, I was in no way looking for another business opportunity.  It wasn’t long into using oils, that I have found that people around me were really interested in how I was using the essential oils to better the quality of life for my family.  I started sharing with friends and family my knowledge and love for oils, and then learned that this could be a very doable business for a stay-at-home-mom like myself.  I do not consider myself a businessperson in the least bit and I would definitely not consider myself a salesperson at all.  

Throughout my first year of building my business with doTerra I had many ups and downs and learned a lot about myself and my place in this business. It was when I tried to become that “salesperson” I was the least successful.  During my first several months when I was excited about the product and sharing that excitement was when I thrived the most.  I now understand that I need to stay true to the reason in which I became a Wellness Advocate, to share the amazingness that is doTerra Essential oils!  That is when I was, and am, most successful in the business.  

The reason I took leave from teaching was to be with my children, so any time that I left them had to be worth it for me and for them.  Teaching essential oils classes and sharing oils allows me to have an outlet outside of being “Mom” all day long.  It also gives me pride to know that I am helping others improve their quality of life as well, which is the most important part for me.  When I hear stories from other moms how oils “saved their life” when their children wake up in the middle of the night with that cry that moms know all too well... Or when others email me to share that they are able to work out again without discomfort, that is when I know that I chose a business that is right for me.

 For me it is about “sharing” not “selling” and when I stick to that way of thinking the money follows. 

Judy Booth is an Elite level wellness advocate from Portsmouth, VA. She's been enrolled with doTERRA since February 2016 . Judy ranked as Elite for the first time in the month of December. Here Judy shares some of the lessons she's learned in her doTERRA journey.

Building a business "my way"

I joined doTerra at the end of February 2016 with the intention of only living doterra.  By June, I fell in love with the oils so much that I decided to begin doTerra as a business as long as I could do it my way.   My passion has always been to serve others and I thought I could help change so many lives with essential oils.  

Let me tell you, I was beginning a journey that I had no idea what I was in store for.  All I knew, I was not going to be that annoying sales lady.  So I thought I had it all figured out.  Well God sure does have a sense of humor.  I was asked to put a list of 50 together to begin this business.  I thought to myself there is no way I am going to do that.  I didn't need to do that because, remember, I was going to run my business my way. 

 Now I want to share a few of the lessons I learned.  
 I went to every webinar, zoom call, oil class etc that I could fit in.   The turning point for me was Maggie's challenge from last summer where we were assinged a partner.  That challenge forced me out of my comfort zone and was the beginning of a beautiful journey.   

Another thing that was a huge turning point for me was getting a mentor.  Having a mentor is so important and will help you in ways that you never thought could be possible. 
After reflecting on this past year, there were so many lessons I learned.  I will just share three of the lessons.

1. Have a teachable spirit.  There is already a successful system in place and its duplicatable.  Just follow the system and be willing and open to learn.

2.  Have fun on your journey.  There will be plenty of ups and downs but when you decide to have fun, you will be more real and relatable to people.  
3.  Have patience. (I'm still working on this lesson by the way)  I would get so discouraged  when the business did not grow as fast as I had planned.  One of the things that helped me in this area was to use the slow times to work on your Personal Development.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Purposeful Living: Arborvitae

Humans are body, soul and spirit, though the western world would generally have us consider only the "bodily" part when addressing wellness. These purposeful living write ups are designed to help you address also the soul and spirit using your essential oils. When using these affirmations and devotions diffuse the oil listed or dilute it in a vegetable oil base and apply it behind the ears and on wrists. Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below.


To purchase Arborvitae connect with the wellness advocate that directed you here, or if you are not currently connected with a wellness advocate visit my sales site at or contact me directly here for an opportunity to get your oil at a discounted price.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

How I learned to love food and stop hating my body

True to my nature I’ve put this particular blog post off for a while. Not because I’m a procrastinator, but simply because I feel like I need certain pieces in place when sharing thoughts from deep inside. I am an open book, but as an educator I always wonder if my “credentials” are enough. Pretty much every time I become passionate about a topic I feel like I need to go receive some “official” certification or education on the topic to enable me to share. But, the truth is, that regardless of my results or education, this is my story. This is my wonderful, beautiful, scary, sad, lovely story… and I’ve determined I don’t have to be at the end of it with some particular degree under my belt to share it.

Six months ago I came to terms with the fact that I have battled an eating disorder for nearly my whole life. Due to my limited understanding of eating disorders I never categorized it as such before, because, well, I figured I was just like every other woman. I was overly concerned about what I ate, how my body looked, and generally filled with some form of bodily hatred. But, given my experience in the world of women, this is pretty normal. I mean, for most women, complaining about our bodies is a bonding point… a rite of passage… a community building topic… so how could I possibly go as far as to say I had an eating disorder?

But, irregardless of other women’s experiences, mine was not a healthy experience. I can’t remember the last time I put a bite of food in my mouth without over-analyzing it. Seriously, I can’t remember a SINGLE meal that didn’t stir up a level of emotional connection that simply wasn’t healthy. My feelings would fall into one of three categories:

Healthy eating feelings: “Look at me doing so well. I’m going to lose weight and look great again. I can do this. I can learn to love these foods only and forget sugar and fast food and all that other stuff. No food tastes as good as skinny feels. I’ve got this! I don’t need to eat any more. The hunger will go away. I’ll eat some more spinach or something. I don’t need that thing I’m craving. Cravings are just weakness. I’ll starve it out. This is good. I’m good.”

Gluttonous eating feelings: “I can’t do this anymore. I hate my body. It won’t respond to healthy eating anyway so why bother. I will have to be perfect tomorrow to make up for this. I hate my body. I hate my metabolism. I hate my genes. This tastes good but I know it’s terrible. I’m really sad. I’m really mad. I give up. This is bad. I’m bad.”

Normal eating feelings: “How many calories are in this? How many carbs? How much fat? How much protein? Is this nutrient dense? How much do I need to work out to burn this off? If I eat this now what type of food do I need to eat for my next meal? How long do I need to wait? If I eat this will it justify eating that? What additives are in this? Is this organic? What oil was this cooked in? Does this count as good or bad?”

That’s just a sampling of the kinds of things that would run through my mind. But in short, food was not just food. Food was my life. Food was my indicator of how well or poor I was doing. Food consumed my thoughts. Food, at times, was my identity.

At home I was restrictive to a fault. Green smoothies would be one of my only meals throughout the day. Maybe some leftovers from the paleo meal the night before. Dinner was massive because I was starving, but always as healthy as I could make it. When friends came over or we went out to dinner I would eat pretty much anything I wanted. I’d swing so far to the other side because I had no will power outside of my perfectly stocked refrigerator or pantry. I wanted a tiny bit of joy and food would provide that. But, not without a cost. Guilt that would hang on me like a cloak for hours, or even days, afterwards.

I got on the scale EVERY day. I measured my body fat EVERY week. I analyzed and critiqued my body in my full length mirror multiple times daily. I critiqued my body and eating in self talk every time I made a plate of food.

Food was love. Food was hate. Food was reward. Food was punishment. And my body was an emotional punching bag.

Through all this, my assumption was that it was normal.

Then, about 16 months ago, my body crashed. For dietary, physical, emotional and spiritual reasons which I will share in a future post, I crashed. I began rapid weight gain that I could not control. I cut calories, worked out, took supplements, but the scale kept going up and up and up. The year before this had shown mild weight gain that I’d blamed on pregnancy. Granted, I had never before gained this much weight in pregnancy, but I tried not to fret.

So, after an 80 pound weight gain, I gave up.

I’d been working with an amazing dietitian for a few months who’d been helping me on and off the clock with suggestions. Some of the resources she’d shown me led me to a place where I was ready for a real change. The book, “The Slow Down diet” also started to shift the way I viewed food and my own relationship to it.

As I let go of the calorie counting, paleo pounding, weight obsessed, food restricted, self loathing way I’d been living, the blinders came off and I realized how unhappy I was. I would call myself a foodie, but was I really? Did I even like food? Seemed like I considered food a mortal enemy.

I stopped obsessing so I could heal.

I stopped weighing and measuring. I stopped checking ingredients. I started giving into cravings with reckless abandon… not to fill an empty place emotionally but simply to feed my starving body. I stopped caring about how I looked. I decided that I’d rather be happy than skinny.

A few weeks in to my healing journey I found the cravings I’d been fighting for 17 years began to dissipate. I didn’t care about the cookies in the pantry or the fast food on my way home. I didn’t want it anymore. I noticed my cravings turned to all the good things my dietitian had been encouraging me to eat (those high calorie, high sugar enemies I’d been avoiding). Orange juice, ice cream, cheese, fruit, jello, chocolate milk, seafood… oh my oh my… the deliciousness I allowed in my life was so much better than the junk food I used to crave on my way home from a class… but it filled me up in a real tangible way.

My panic attacks went away shortly thereafter. My fast food cravings went away. My morning hunger returned and my evening hunger lessened. My muscle tone improved. My thoughts improved. My mood improved. My sex drive improved. My energy improved. And I began to enjoy food… really enjoy it. Not with a caveat thought that this food made me good or bad… but just enjoy it.
I gained another 20 pounds *gasp*… but I felt healthy again. I stopped hanging onto my skinny clothes and began to release anything that made me doubt my beauty or worth. I rejoiced in my improved mood rather than a number on the scale.

Now, did all concern for weight go away? Of course not. I still had a hope to look as healthy as I felt one day, but I decided that I was ok with that being a process.

About two months ago I started measuring again. But this time, it was merely to observe all possible changes, and not to let the scale control things. Now my measurements consist of body temperature, skin complexion, stress level, and all of the other physical measurements I used to take. I’m looking at myself through a “whole person” lense and celebrating more than scale losses. I’m celebrating brighter skin. I’m celebrating less moments of depression. I’m celebrating more strength. I’m celebrating quicker thinking. And, after over a year of “letting it go” I’ve been celebrating a move downwards on the scale and body fat measurements.

But… that isn’t the point… and that’s why I’ve decided to share.

I originally wanted to weight til I’d “lost the weight” to share my story. Not because this would be my most important success element in this story, but because I assumed that’s all people care about. Well, maybe it is, maybe you can’t imagine ever “allowing” weight gain. Maybe you look at your body the way I used to. Well, that’s why I’m sharing this…

If you are someone like I used to be… someone who can’t remember ever loving food or loving your body… someone who feels like you have to fight your body rather than live in your body… please hear me.

The number on the scale is NOT the measure of your worth.
Food is meant to be enjoyed.
Your body is beautiful no matter what size you wear.
If you are not happy with yourself now you will never see a number on the scale that will make you truly happy.
You can decide to do whatever it takes to be happy and healthy, even if that means weight gain at first.
Let go and begin to heal.

Before After


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Purposeful Living: Clary Sage

Humans are body, soul and spirit, though the western world would generally have us consider only the "bodily" part when addressing wellness. These purposeful living write ups are designed to help you address also the soul and spirit using your essential oils. When using these affirmations and devotions diffuse the oil listed or dilute it in a vegetable oil base and apply it behind the ears and on wrists. Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below.

Clary Sage

To purchase Clary Sage connect with the wellness advocate that directed you here, or if you are not currently connected with a wellness advocate visit my sales site at or contact me directly here for an opportunity to get your oil at a discounted price.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Purposeful Living: Roman Chamomile

Humans are body, soul and spirit, though the western world would generally have us consider only the "bodily" part when addressing wellness. These purposeful living write ups are designed to help you address also the soul and spirit using your essential oils. When using these affirmations and devotions diffuse the oil listed or dilute it in a vegetable oil base and apply it behind the ears and on wrists. Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below.

Roman Chamomile

To purchase Roman Chamomile connect with the wellness advocate that directed you here, or if you are not currently connected with a wellness advocate visit my sales site at or contact me directly here for an opportunity to get your oil at a discounted price.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Eucalyptus Breakdown

Eucalyptus Radiata

Eucalyptus is a fantastic respiratory support that could be considered one of the most prevalently used and needed oils for the family. It is an expectorant quality oil that is often misunderstood. Because it is so potent it should generally not be used near the face of a child, but the strand of Eucalyptus doTerra uses (Radiata) is more gentle than Eucalyptus Globulus (the more commonly uses strand) and allows for safe dilution on the feet or usage in the diffuser. Historically Eucalyptus has been used safely on children with common sense cautions regarding areas of use and dilution.

Eucalyptus trees are tall, evergreen trees that grow up to 50 feet in height and are sometimes referred to as Gum Trees. The main chemical components of Eucalyptus radiata are eucalyptol and alpha-terpineol, making it an ideal oil to promote feelings of clear breathing and open airways and for creating a soothing massage experience. Eucalyptus has purifying properties that can be beneficial for the skin and for cleansing surfaces and the air. Studies have shown that Eucalyptus is effective in helping lessen tension. Eucalyptus can be found in mouth rinses to freshen breath and promote oral health.

Directions for Use:
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.

Primary Physical Benefits
- Eucalyptus helps to lessen feelings of tension.
It promotes feelings of relaxation
- Eucalyptus promotes feelings of clear breathing and open airways.
- This essential oil is ideal for creating a soothing massage experience.
- It has purifying properties that can be beneficial for the skin.
- These purifying properties are also great for cleansing surfaces and the air. 
- Eucalyptus is found in mouth rinses and oral hygiene products that help to freshen breath.
- Diffuse Eucalyptus during the winter months to invigorate cold, dreary days.
- Combine with water in a spray bottle and use it to wipe down surfaces in your kitchen or bathroom.
- Place one to two drops of Eucalyptus in the palms of the hands, rub them together, and inhale deeply to clear the mind.
- Add one drop of this essential oil to moisturizer and apply it to the skin for revitalizing benefits.
- Place a few drops of Eucalyptus in the bottom of the shower to invigorate and add vitality to your morning.
- Eucalyptus blends well with Bergamot, Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemon, Juniper Berry, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Melaleuca, Tangerine, and Thyme.
- This oil promotes an uplifted mood.
- Eucalyptus offers soothing support during menstruation when massaged daily onto the lower abdomen.

- Apply it topically to the chest and breathe deeply for an invigorating vapor.

Primary Emotional Benefits:
Encourages desire to be well, accepting responsibility, freedom, empowered

Negative emotions addressed:
Desire to be unwell, enabled, refusal to take responsibility, desire to escape

Aromatic Description:
Camphoraceous, Airy

Body Systems addressed:
- Immune System
- Respiratory System

Suggested uses:
-Combine with Lemon and Peppermint in a spray bottle and use it to wipe down surfaces in your kitchen or bathroom.
-Add one drop to moisturizer and apply to skin for revitalizing benefits.
-While showering, place a few drops in the hands, place over nose, and inhale deeply to invigorate and promote vitality

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Other Cypress references:

To purchase Eucalyptus connect with the wellness advocate that directed you here, or if you are not currently connected with a wellness advocate visit my sales site at or contact me directly here for an opportunity to get your oil at a discounted price.

Sources:, Emotions and Essentials Oils: A modern resource for healing

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease